Saturday 21 May 2011

arnold schwarzenegger workout pdf

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  • mac ath
    Apr 12, 11:00 AM
    Last year most of the people here were whining �oh the mac is dead. apple concentrated only on iOS and iPhone. What a same, we wanna hear about the mac�. This year, rumor has it, will be all about software so now the same people whine �oh no, no iPhone i hate this years event�.

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  • dextertangocci
    Jul 25, 09:40 AM
    First of all, I think this should have been released at most a couple months after the introduction of the Mighty Mouse. Taking a year to give it BT capabilities is ridiculous.

    And $70 for a ****ing mouse is absurd. Doesn't look like I'll be buying anymore mice from apple.

    I payed more than that for my Apple BT mouse a few days ago:mad: :rolleyes: :(

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  • SactoGuy18
    Apr 14, 06:56 PM
    Oh great. I'm going to have to tie up my Internet connection for a long period of time to update my 4G iPod touch and iPad 2 for the 4.3.2 update. :rolleyes:

    I REALLY hope that Apple does incremental updates of iOS starting with iOS 5.0 to save us from tying up the broadband connection for such a long period of time.

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  • ender land
    Apr 24, 12:16 AM
    The problem with situations like this is that it's not the ones which go right (ie the victim gets saved by employees) which dictate the policy, it's the ones which go bad and end up in a lawsuit or something similarly bad for the company which do.


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  • iFiend
    May 4, 11:44 AM
    I personally believe these days that the look of the phone comes secondary to what is "under the hood".

    Yes it helps if it's a good shape with a good screen but if Apple continue to release devices that a technically better the the rest then people will lap it up - the death grip didnt stop so many iPhone 4s being sold did it - people accepted it as the device packed a punch

    People buy iPhones because they work well, look good, and are cool/in. I would say that 80% of the iPhone buying world doesn't give a damn what's "under the hood." I fail to see how you could possibly think otherwise.

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  • iApples
    May 1, 11:51 PM
    Does this mean the US is going to stop pumping their oil? Or was that not part of the deal? ...


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  • auxplage
    Oct 18, 11:11 PM
    Listen, it's quite simple: For over 25 years Apple was a maker of almost exclusively personal computers and software. Five years ago, they introduced the iPod, followed by the music store (and now video, etc.). All of a sudden - within a period of only five years - iPod and music/video related sales account for almost half of their profit, and soon - by many estimates - will account for at least a full half (and possibly more).

    Now, do you think that Apple considers the iPod and the iTunes Music Store a cash cow? Hmmm... :rolleyes:

    Whether or not Apple considers them a cash cow is irrelevant because you are the one that proposed the idea.

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  • Platform
    Oct 24, 07:53 AM
    Flight charge...thats nice...maybe because of the recent sony flame batteries.

    200GB drive is good, but @4200rpm...:eek:


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  • epictempo
    Apr 24, 08:29 AM
    Competition keeps the prices lowish, but not as low as the junk android handsets and Apple sells unlocked iPhones at full price for those of us with cheap SIM-only plans.

    Completely agree, I'm thinking that Apple could single-handedly save Tmo with an iPhone offering just to fuel competition. Android=junk is true, wish I hadn't listened to a few members on here saying how the android system is better for phones. Bought a highly righted android and never the more regretted having got rid of my beloved iP4.

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  • mrsir2009
    Mar 31, 12:45 PM
    Um, whats up with the brown turd toolbar? :eek:


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  • Manacit
    Apr 22, 06:32 PM
    That is the ugliest thing I have ever seen. Obviously, this won't be the next iPhone, because Apple would never come out with something that ugly.

    Honestly, the iPhone 4 looks great, an iPhone 4S would be ideal, not this ugly PoS

    arnold schwarzenegger workout pdf. arnold schwarzenegger workout
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  • iEvolution
    Apr 22, 05:45 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPod; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)


    Likely: same design as current iPhone with antenna tweaks, A5 dual-core chip, more RAM, 8MP back camera, 1.3MP front camera, 64GB capacity (max), iOS 5, incresased battery life, etc.

    Somewhat Likely: "gestures", LiquidMetal, 4G (probably not till 2012, but who knows), improved display, etc.

    Not Likely: complete redesign

    That's what I'm betting on. I know I'm probably forgetting some things, but oh well.

    I really don't see them adding the dual core chip to the iPhone or the iPod Touch, maybe an increase in processor speed but I think the more powerful processor is going to be reserved for the iPad now.


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  • MacsAttack
    Nov 3, 02:58 PM
    all i have to say is that vmware is a strong company financially with a very good long term vision/proven track record, there's no way parallels will survive. there's no way all the hardware companies will fully cooperate with parallels, i don't see them lasting, you're better off putting money in vmware, they'll give you a good product, they've been doing it longer and better. but i understand how it is with firsts, it's always hard to part with them. ;)

    even though i didn't get an invite into the beta program, i'm shocked at how quick they're actually executing. that indian exec at vmware said it would be coming soon at the last wwdc, but this is great.

    Given that a number of VmWare's products are essentially free, Parallels will indeed have some significant challenges ahead if the OS X version is likewise free.

    What I could use is the ability to use a VM created with VMWare's PC-based products on OS X (allowing me to use development VMs we use for developemnt and testing on my Mac too).

    arnold schwarzenegger workout pdf. Arnold Schwarzenegger; Dolan
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  • spencers
    Jan 28, 12:17 PM
    To add to my post-workout recovery drink:

    Drink lots and lots of water


    arnold schwarzenegger workout pdf. arnold schwarzenegger workout
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  • roosta
    Apr 15, 03:07 PM
    Goes against Steve Jobs saying Lion was shipping this summer. What is your source ?

    Until Apple says it's delayed, I'll believe Apple when they say it ships this summer.

    just so you know, summer begins june 21 and ends sept 23 this year. so even it it comes out sept 22, its still a summer release.

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  • stew278
    Mar 31, 12:02 PM
    Garish as hell.


    arnold schwarzenegger workout pdf. arnold schwarzenegger workout
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  • eRondeau
    Jan 29, 10:14 AM
    It seems everybody's had completely unreasonable expectations of Apple's performance recently. They're doing fantastically well, obviously. But I've heard people saying their stock will hit $1000 (from $130/$200), Apple will become the world's first TRILLION dollar company, etc etc etc. When your expectations are unreasonably high, you're bound to be disappointed. But remember, Apple is investing heavily in R&D and engineering, buying-up half of Cupertino. They're not doing all this to keep building the same old iPod's. Whatever top-secret projects their skunkworks are developing right now will hit the market in 2-3 years. Who knows what they're doing now, and what will happen when it finally goes on sale. :apple:

    arnold schwarzenegger workout pdf. arnold schwarzenegger workout
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  • The Beatles
    Apr 28, 10:14 PM
    i cant even believe im commenting on this. And in other news, a fish farts in the atlantic.

    arnold schwarzenegger workout pdf. Arnold Schwarzenegger
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger

  • Psilocybin
    Apr 18, 10:03 AM
    This one goes out to all the tinfoil hat know who you are (secret code inserted here.-..-11..-312).

    I think Apple intentionally borked our current 320M graphic power in the 10.6.7 release fiasco. This was intentional. That way when they release the new MBA's with the inferior integrated graphics chipset, they can actually show an IMPROVEMENT in graphic speed.

    Seriously. Its true. I read it on the intrawebs.

    anyone test 320m in lion?

    Apr 27, 05:09 AM
    Not a surprise, even amazon charges a small fee for a decent amount of storage.

    Yes, but it'll probably be the other way round here a - large fee for a poor amount of storage/quality of features.

    May 1, 11:01 PM
    As long as it has Zombies I'm game. Killing Nazi zombies was getting old anyways.

    Taliban zombies...


    Round 1, fight!

    Apr 29, 06:58 PM
    why is paying less out of your pocket not a good thing? (unless i am reading you incorrectly...)

    Paying less is not good. If you are a true Apple believer, you want to pay as much as possible so you can high five when Apple has record profits. It's not about the consumer, it's what's best for Apple.

    Apr 14, 02:25 PM
    Hum, you have no idea what Fiber channel is if you seriously claim that. Fiber channel is a networking protocol for storage essentially, Thunderbolt is a host based technology. Call me when Thunderbolt can be switched, redundant, do LUN provisioning and can be extended over a MAN to offer multi-site storage.

    Why don't you start reading things before making your incendiary comments?

    Apr 18, 10:03 AM
    This one goes out to all the tinfoil hat know who you are (secret code inserted here.-..-11..-312).

    I think Apple intentionally borked our current 320M graphic power in the 10.6.7 release fiasco. This was intentional. That way when they release the new MBA's with the inferior integrated graphics chipset, they can actually show an IMPROVEMENT in graphic speed.

    Seriously. Its true. I read it on the intrawebs.

    anyone test 320m in lion?

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